Extra Power: Titan for MG, Ford, Honda, Pickup Trucks/Small Cargo Vans

Let’s go into more detail on Extra Power: Titan, and specifically let’s find out why it works exceptionally well on all models (2.5L or less) and ages of MG, Ford, Honda cars; as well as pickup trucks and small vans (again 2.5L or less).

Extra Power: Titan works slightly differently on different makes and models of cars.

Why? Because all these different cars have different ECU types, ECU settings, electrical system layouts, electrical system condition, engine types, component conditions… and so on.

Because of that, Extra Power: Titan works better on some cars, and some vehicle types than others.

Extra Power Titan

Check it out on Amazon here:

Our master engineer has tested Extra Power on more than 500 cars at this point. He logged the results and the experience reported in feedback by every single driver. And when he collated the results, he noticed that nearly 100% of MG, Ford and Honda drivers gave excellent feedback. Typical comments included:

  • My gear changes are much smoother now
  • Gas/accelerator pedal feels lighter
  • I can overtake better than before
  • I can accelerate more smoothly
  • Climbing hills is easier
  • My gas costs have fallen a little

So why does the Titan work so well MG, Ford and Honda cars?

Simply because the ECU, engine design and electrical system of these car makes happen to match well and provide a good environment for the extra juice that Extra Power provides.

We didn’t design the product with these cars in mind, but our testing on several hundred cars has shown these makes are the ones that provide the most outstanding results.

These effects can be seen even on very new MG, Ford and Honda cars.

The results of Extra Power’s effect on new cars even surprised us! You see, the product was designed to be effective on older cars – and it has also proven to have transformational and exceptional results on older cars, such as classic cars.

It was only when our master engineer gave us the excellent feedback from MG, Ford and Honda owners that we realised that Extra Power: Titan can be highly effective even on brand new cars.

See below the results from Dyno (dynamometer) testing of a 2023 MG HS 1.5L.

Dyno Testing – MG HS 1.5 (2023, 1.5L)

Here are the results:

Extra Power dyno test torque graph

Let’s zoom in on the graph showing the torque before and after Extra Power’s installation.

dyno horsepower torque graph vs tuning vs before

As you can see, the torque has increased substantially. Let’s zoom in on the part showing the maximum torque achieved.

dyno torque data (1)

The torque has increased from a maximum of 27.85kg-m before Extra Power to 29.00kg-m after Extra Power is installed.

And maximum horsepower:

Maximum horsepower measured - Extra Power Titan (1)

Maximum horsepower achieved by the MG HS.15 car has increased from 170.15bhp to 181.88bhp, after Extra Power was installed.

What do these major increases to torque and horsepower actually mean for your driving experience?

When you take off after the lights change, you feel more oomph.

You can overtake easier. The gas pedal feels lighter than before.

Better acceleration in all phases – from initial takeoff, from medium speed to freeway cruising speed, from cruising to overtaking.

How about improved fuel efficiency?

You may or may not have noticed we don’t actually talk to much about this aspect in our marketing, even though this is a major benefit that some people will get when they use Extra Power: Titan. Some people will end saving far more money than they will spend on the product.

But we don’t want to set expectations too high. Every car is different, and the fuel saving experienced will be different for every car.

Some, who track it carefully, have been delighted to notice an improvement between 3 to 10%. But another person, who doesn’t really track their mileage or miles per gallon accurately, but simply expects to notice a huge reduction in their monthly gas spend, without even checking their mileage, may be disappointed.

The simple fact is that if you experience improved power and acceleration, you must also experience improved fuel efficiency. That’s because the reason your power has improved is that the combustion efficiency of your engine improved after Extra Power Titan’s installation. Improved combustion efficiency means that more of the gas in your tank is successfully burned (engines are imperfect and do not burn gas 100% perfectly). So you will necessarily have used up less fuel to travel the same distance, compared to before you installed Extra Power.

So we encourage you to treat fuel efficiency savings as a nice bonus, rather than something that will slash your fuel bill in half!

Check it out on Amazon here:

How and why does Extra Power: Titan work?

Here’s how it works:

Extra Power Titan Electrical System Enhancer

Any caveats to be aware of?

Yes, Extra Power: Titan is only recommended for vehicles with engine size 2.5L or below. Cars with these relatively small engine size have consistently shown excellent results.

If your car is 3L or more, we don’t recommend Extra Power: Titan, the improvements would be small, or even negligible.

Check it out on Amazon here: