F16 Pulse King

F16 Pulse King

F16 Pulse King

A high-quality 12V battery desulfator. You attach it to your battery and it removes sulfate from the battery plates. And it also prevents sulfate from forming. Leading to much longer battery lifespan.

How Does It Work?

Sulfation causes the early death of 84% of all batteries…

And it’s preventable! 

By using F16 Pulse King.

F16 Pulse King is a desulfator. It uses high-frequency pulses to break down the sulfation on your battery plates.

The result?

Your battery regains power it had lost. It stores charge better and provides more power both to start your engine and power your electronics.

Your battery will last longer. Even 2-3 times longer is possible. 

It means your vehicle is less likely to break down due to battery failure (which causes 50% of all vehicle breakdowns).


F16 Pulse King Testimonial
F16 Testimonial 2 increase in CCA
Auto engineer test approval of F16 desulfator
F16 Pulse King Review 4


Less chance of breakdowns

50% of all breakdowns are battery-related! F16 Pulse King removes sulfation (which is what kills most batteries).

Longer-lasting batteries

With F16 Pulse King on the battery, the battery plates are free of sulfation, they're clean. So the battery can last as much as 2 to 3 times longer.